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FSGS with Hepatitis B and Anemia

Q: My wife is a patient with FSGS. She suffers from Hepatitis and anemia also. Good news is that her hepatitis B is under control. I am worried about her condition. Can you do me any favor? Thanks. And her kidney is as large as 7cm.

A: As her hepatitis B is under control, it makes it much easier. Actually the size of her kidneys is smaller than normal range as there are a part of glomerular has obsolescent and a part of the renal tubules has atrophied which lead to the size of her kidneys get smaller.

For now, we have no idea to achieve the sclerosed glomerular to recover the function, there are a part of glomerular has not be sclerosed totally, and then we can use the medicine to repair them.

To achieve this goal, we can use Micro-Chinese Medicine which can expand blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation of kidneys.

In addition, it can also decrease inflammatory reaction and degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) both of which contribute to fibrosis of renal functional cells. In this way, Micro-Chinese Medicine can effectively prevent the kidneys from fibrosis and thereby stop kidney disease from progressing and have the renal function improved by repairing the damaged renal cells.

But surely the renal function can be improved and the size of her kidneys will get bigger because there are many patients like your wife, their shrunk kidneys are getting bigger and the creatinine has decreased, and the blood pressure get stable.

And for now, your wife’s HB is lower which we call it anemia, there are three degrees for anemia: 9, 6, 3, which indicates the level of the hemoglobin. So her anemia is at slight stage.

As you know, anemia can lead to fatigue, poor appetite, and heart failure and so on. So she might feel weakness at present and easy to get tired. The cause for anemia is the damage on renal function, because of kidney can secrete EPO which can stimulate the red blood cell production, if we want to treat the anemia effectively, it is better for us to repair the damaged kidneys. Only the renal function improves, the anemia can be treated from root or it can be relieved by taking iron supplements or by injecting EPO.

Tag: FSGS Symptoms

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