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Appetite Loss and Anemia in FSGS

FSGS is an immune disorder characterized by scarring of kidney tissues. As the diseased kidneys fail to function normally, it can give rise to a number of problems.Appetite loss and anemia are two common complaints of FSGS, especially in the advanced stage.

Appetite loss in FSGS

Appetite loss is a common symptom of advanced FSGS.Healthy kidneys can remove wastes from body to keep the blood clean.However,the diseased kidneys fail to remove the wastes from the body. The wastes can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in poor appetite.Additionally, the fluid retention can attribute to swelling of gastrointestinal tract, which also can affect your appetite.

Even if you are not hungry,it is important to eat and keep good nutrition. Well-nourished people with FSGS stay healthier and live longer.You need to reduce foods that can produce high levels of wastes such as high-proteins foods.

Anemia in FSGS

Healthy kidneys can produce a hormone called EPO, which can stimulate the bone marrow to produce red blood cells which can distribute oxygen to the body cells. However, the diseased kidneys fail to perform the role normally and fail to make enough EPO.As a result,the bone marrow makes fewer red blood cells.Other attributable factors of anemia include low levels of iron and folic acid.These nutrients from food can help young red blood cells make hemoglobin.As red blood cells reduce, the body cells can not get enough oxygen supply so you may become tired easily.

EPO shot is often suggested to treat anemia in FSGS.A target hemoglobin should be between 10 and 12g/dL.Many patients with FSGS often need both EPO and iron supplement to raise their hematocrit to a satisfactory level.The patients should get more folic acid from their foods by increasing consumption of leafy vegetables.

As appetite loss and anemia result from kidney function decline,the key to control these conditions is to restore the impaired kidney structure and enhance renal function. If the kidneys can work better, the above complaints will be controlled completely.

Tag: FSGS Symptoms

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