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FSGS Patient Has Swelling of the Face and Extremities

FSGS Patient Has Swelling of the Face and ExtremitiesSwelling and proteinuria are usually first signs of FSGS kidney disease, and protein leakage can worsen patients’ swelling. When coming to swelling, face and extremities are affected easily by water retention. If you have FSGS and swelling in the face, hands and feet, this article must be helpful for you.

As we know, FSGS is one disease within glomeruli, which are responsible for maintaining fluid balance and filtering out waste products. However, scarred glomeruli are unable to do these works normally, so extra water will accumulate in some regions including fee, hands, feet, legs and ankles. Besides, protein leakage can also trigger or worsen water retention.

Now, we have known the causes of FSGS patients’ swelling, the next thing we need to do is to manage patients’ swelling and several methods are helpful.

1. Control the intake of fluid and sodium

When patients have swelling, they are required to restrict their fluid intake strictly. Sodium is one mineral that can make patients thirsty easily and stimulate fluid retention, so FSGS patients should develop a low-sodium diet.

2. Learn to give a massage on swelling region

Massage can help improve blood circulation and increase the blood flow to swelling region, so a part of fluid can be taken away and discharged out of the body. However, you should learn to massage with professional person’s guidance.

3. Take Foot Bath Regularly

All organs have corresponding acupoints in pelma, so Foot Bath can help manage many types of disorders. Take foot bath for 15~20 minutes every day, so you can get improvements of your overall health condition as well as easing swelling.

4. Fix scarred kidney filters

Immunotherapy is one good treatment to deal with disease caused by immune disorder, while FSGS is just characterized by immune complexes. Therefore, this therapy can help FSGS patients to repair their impaired kidney filters and improve their glomerular filtration rate. Finally, extra fluid can be removed successfully.

If you still have anything unclear, you can contact us directly. Emailing to kidneyservice@hotmail.com is just OK.

Tag: FSGS FSGS Symptoms FSGS Immunotherapy

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