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Creatinine Level 571

The normal range of creatinine should be lower than 110. Surely, you can see that creatinine level 571 is as high as 5 times than the normal range. High creatinine levels can be caused by many ways. And kidney disease is one of them.

What does creatinine level 571 mean?

The normal creatinine levels differs from age, gender, race etc. Generally speaking, 45~90μmol/l is okay for female while 60~110μmol/l for male.

Creatinine level 571 is really a very high or even dangerous sign for your health. Elevated creatinine level can be caused by many factors, such as pregnancy, strenuous exercise etc.

However, it also may be a sign to say the kidney damage. If you happen to be a person with Diabetes, high blood pressure or lupus, it is more likely that the kidney damage to happen.

Creatinine is the waste products of human body and in normal conditions, they are filtered out of the blood via urine. However, when kidneys cannot work well, this kind of wastes will build up in the body, causing elevate blood creatinine level.

What should I do, if high creatinine level 571 is caused by Kidney Disease?

As we can see, creatinine level 571 is really high enough to cause damage to our body. What should we do? We need to find the cause firstly. And if it is caused by accidental factor, such as sports, pregnance etc, it needs no treatment and you can expect the spontaneous remission.

However, if it is caused by Kidney Disease, you need take treatments as soon as possible.

The Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure can be divided into acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure. If you suffer from acute kidney failure, you are suggested to find the primary cause and consult with your doctor if it is a time to use Dialysis. Dialysis helps remove the toxins in the blood in a short time.

However, if it is caused by Chronic Kidney Disease, you are suggested to ask a systemic treatment plan from your doctor, so as to repair your damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. To achieve this aim, the treatments, such as Chinese Herbal Medicine, Immunotherapy, Steroid Therapy etc may be involved.

Any help, please let us know. We are here to help.

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