What Does Creatinine 2.6 Mean
The normal range of creatinine level differs from age, gender, muscle mass etc. However, no matter how creatinine levels are affected by other factors, the level of 2.6 is out of the normal range.
Normal Range of Creatinine Level
Creatinine should be 0.8~1.2mg/dl for males, and 0.6~0.9mg/dl form females. 2.6 is totally higher than both male and female’s normal range. Thereby, it must be some medical or accidental conditions that induce elevated creatinine level.
Elevated Creatinine Level Causes
Kidney Damage
The most common cause of elevated creatinine level is known as Kidney Disease in which Diabetes and High Blood Pressure work as the leading triggers. Any conditions that impairs the functions of the kidneys will probably raise the creatinine level in the blood.
Kidneys not only work to form urine, but also remove the excessive water and toxins in the blood by filtering them out. Creatinine is the waste products of muscular activity and it should be removed, when kidneys function well. Once kidneys are impaired more than 50%, creatinine will build up in the blood, causing high creatinine levels.
If we only speak of creatinine level, 2.6 may indicate a mild kidney damage. CKD is divided into 5 stage according the GFR. And the CKD stage 3, the creatinine level usually ranges from 2.1~ 5.0. Thereby, it may tell the early stage 3 of CKD. However, the standard to identify the kidney damage is GFR. Thereby, you are suggested to take the GFR test to figure out your kidney damage.
Transient increases in creatinine can be caused by dehydration. To diagnose the kidney damage, dehydration should be ruled out firstly.
Heart Problem
High creatinine levels has been linked to atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which may relate to heart surgeries.
Besides, the sudden increase of muscle mass may also indicate the elevated creatinine levels.
Different causes of elevated creatinine levels require different solutions. Thereby, it is important to find the test list for high creatinine levels before you take any treatments.
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