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Treatment of FSGS After Kidney Transplant

FSGS Treatment,kidney transplantUsually after kidney transplant, there is no major treatments necessary. However, in order to prevent the anti-rejections, some suppletive treatments, such as anti-rejection drugs, food therapy and Chinese Herbal Medicine are suggested. If FSGS relapses after kidney transplant, the major therapy that for immune system and kidney damages will be involved.

Anti-rejection Drugs

After kidney transplant, you will probably have less energy than you did before. It takes time for your body to heal and accept the new kidney. In order to prevent the anti-rejection to the transplanted kidney, anti-rejection drugs usually are prescript for you.

Food Therapy

Besides Chemical Drugs, diet management is alway suggested. Good eating habits help prevent health complications from post-transplant medications. To maintain a healthier condition, your renal dietitian may suggest you to follow the following principles:

- low in fat: Choose skinless poultry and fish more often than red meat; limit foods like chips, crackers and cookies; Try baked or low-fat versions of your favorites.

- low in sugar: Limit juice, soda and other high-sugar drinks; limit candy and dessert-type foods to one serving or less a day;

- moderate in sodium: Use herbs, spices, lemon juice or vinegar to flavor foods instead of salt; Limit salty foods such as chips, crackers, french fries, lunch meats and hot dogs.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Compared with chemical anti-rejection drugs, some herbs help to take the similar effects. However, it takes no side effects, if used in a right way. If you want to try Chinese Herbal Medicine, your herbalist will add some nutritional herbs that can improve your immune system and your energy.

In some cases, the FSGS will come back, even after kidney transplant. Why? In most cases, it relates to the underlying immune system. As FSGS is an immune-related kidney damage, only treatment that replaces the damaged kidney are not enough. When the immune system is interfered with some triggers, the new kidney damage will come back.

Most relapse of FSGS relates to the underlying immune system and Immunotherapy is suggested for the Kidney Diseases caused by poor immune disorder. Immunotherapy works in more than 95% of kidney diseases. If you want to know whether your case is matchable for immunotherapy, you can leave your conditions below.

Tag: FSGS Treatment

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