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Effective Treatments for Secondary FSGS at Stage 3 in China

Effective Treatments for Secondary FSGS at Stage 3 in ChinaJust like other types of chronic kidney disease, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) classifies secondary FSGS into five stages. Stage 3 Secondary FSGS means patients’ kidneys are functioning at 30%~59%. Because some natural remedies in China can help reverse stage 3 kidney disease, a lot of patients with secondary FSGS prefer to take effective treatment here.

Finding out the underlying cause of secondary FSGS is the first step

Secondary FSGS can be caused by many factors. Make sure the underlying cause that can help guide doctors to develop an accurate treatment plan for their patients. The common causes of this kidney disorder are as follows:

- Virus-related factors: HIV and B19

- Medication-related factors: Heroin, interferon, lithium intoxication, etc

- The loss of kidney functioning tissues: Solitary kidney,unilateral renal dysplasia, reflux nephropathy, renal cortical necrosis, chronic allograft nephropathy, and so on.

- Renal ischemia and anoxia: Hypertensive Nephropathy, ischemic kidney disease and some other diseases

- Obesity-related factor

In hospital of China, doctors need to manage patients’ FSGS kidney disease beginning from detecting and healing the underlying cause.

Then, medical and food therapy is taken to stop the kidney condition from worsening

Proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure and swelling are common symptoms of secondary FSGS at stage 3. If patients have one or more of these problems, they should take timely and effective treatments. Otherwise, these problems will induce further kidney damage. For example, to lower high blood pressure, ACEi and ARBs are used commonly along with low-sodium diet. (Consult the doctor online to determine how to deal with your symptoms.)

Finally, Chinese Medicines are taken to repair damaged kidney cells and regulate immune system

Chinese medicines have the strong ability of activating damaged cells and nourishing various cells. For impaired kidney cells, Chinese medicines are also effective to prompt their restoration. Furthermore, some other medicines can also regulate immune system, so as to prevent the relapse of secondary FSGS. As long as these therapeutic effects are achieved, stage 3 secondary FSGS is reversed successfully. (Try to determine what medicines are helpful for you.)

Tag: FSGS FSGS Treatment

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