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Causes and Treatment for High Blood Pressure in FSGS

Causes and Treatment for High Blood Pressure in FSGSHigh blood pressure, or hypertension, is a very common symptom of FSGS. This damages the kidneys and puts a strain on the heart and the rest of the circulation. Thereby, high blood pressure should be treated vigorously.

What causes high blood pressure in FSGS?

Blood pressure refers to the force of your blood against the walls of blood vessels as your heart pumps blood around the body. If this pressure becomes too high, hypertension develops. High blood pressure is a complication of FSGS.

As well all know, the kidneys play a key role in keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range. Damaged kidneys fail to properly regulate blood pressure. As a result, blood pressure increases. In this case, the kidney disease will get worse and you will have heart problems.

How to treat high blood pressure in FSGS?

The treatment plan should be made on the basis of your illness condition. Meanwhile, you will need a combination of lifestyle changes. In this way, we can get the best treatment effect.

* The target blood pressure is below 130/80. To reach this goal, you may need to take more than one type of blood pressure pill. These medications may include: ACE inhibitor or an ARB, a diuretic, beta blockers or calcium channel blockers. Be sure to take the medicines exactly as prescribed by your doctor.

* Changes made on diet are also needed. Diet low in sodium is recommended. The intake of salt should be no more than 2,400 milligrams each day. Besides, control the amount of protein, potassium and phosphorus you eat.

* Exercise at a moderate level for 30 minutes per day on the most days of the week. Stop smoking and cut back on alcohol.

As the blood pressure increases due to the damage of renal function, the fundamental way to lower high blood pressure in FSGS is to adopt treatment to stop the decline of kidney function as well as improve it gradually. As long as your diseases kidneys are restored, high blood pressure can be well controlled. Immunotherapy is just such kind of holistic treatment. For more detailed information, you can consult our online service or email us at kidneyservice@hotmail.com. Best Wishes!

Tag: FSGS Symptoms

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