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Is There Any Alternative Test to Kidney Biopsy for FSGS

FSGS,kidney biopsyKidney biopsy is a test for accurate diagnosis of many kidney problems, such as IgA Nephropathy, Nephrotic Syndrome and Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis etc. However, kidney biopsy also causes different side effects, such as damages to affected kidney tissues. It there any alternative test to kidney biopsy for FSGS?

What’s kidney biopsy?

Kidney biopsy refers to a test in which the a small piece of kidney tissue is removed to be examined under a microscope. Usually, this test is used to make an accurate or a final diagnosis for kidney problem, severity of kidney damages and monitor the therapy effects of kidney disease.

However, you may suffer from bleeding, infection, pain and even Acute Kidney Failure, etc.

Special Test for FSGS

To avoid the side effects of FSGS, alternative test to kidney biopsy is needed. What will these tests be? If the tests can work and achieve the same goal as kidney biopsy does, it will replace the traditional biopsy.

Researchers find some special tests which do similarly work of kidney biopsy and what’s import, it rarely has no side effects. These new tests are just like other routine tests, such as blood test and urine test.

Kidney Damages Test

This test helps diagnose the kidney damages, the affected kidney area and monitor the treatment effects. It achieves very similar aims of kidney biopsy.

Blood Toxins Test

This test helps find the build up of waste products in in body and help your doctor find the right treatment to remove the wastes.

Protein electrophoresis

This helps make an accurate analysis on protein in urine. With this test, your doctor can find the cause of protein and make an final diagnosis of kidney problems.

Tag: FSGS Diagnosis


next:How To Diagnose FSGS

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