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Swelling and Joint Pain with IgA Nephropathy

Swelling and joint pain is common to happen in patients with IgA Nephropathy.

Swelling and IgA Nephropathy

All blood throughout the whole body will pass thought the renal artery. And the kidneys will filter the waste products out of the blood and keep the useful substances stay in the blood.

Protein is a useful material which should be kept in the blood, after renal filteration in normal conditions. However, in patients with IgA Nephropathy, the kidneys are damaged and cannot function well.

As a result, the waste products, such as urea, creatinine, and extra water will deposit in the body, which increases the risk to develop swellings. In addition, the damaged kidneys filter the protein out of the body. Protein has the natural ability to lock the water in the blood. The protein loss will cause the water flowing into nearby tissues, causing swellings in patients.

Joint Pain and IgA Nephropathy

With joint pain you experience soreness or mild pain where your bones meet. Joint pain is also a symptom of IgA Nephropathy, because kidneys function can help maintain the bone strong and healthy. Osteopathy is a common complication of Kidney Disease.

When your kidneys can function well, they help produce calcitriol from Vitamin D. Calcitriol helps stimulate the absorption of calcium and phosphate in your blood and in your bones.

How deal with the swellings and joint pain in IgA Nephropathy?

To alleviate the symptoms, we should not belittle the underling cause--kidney damage.

IgA Nephropathy is an autoimmune kidney damage, thereby, immunotherapy will be a good choice, which helps rebuild the immune system and uses the immune system to fight against the IgA Nephropathy, which helps alleviate the symptoms and prevent the possible relapse.

Acupuncture and Massage helps deal with the joint pain naturally, as they cause not pain and no side effects, they become a perfect choice for children patients.

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