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Poor Sleep and IgA Nephropathy

Poor sleep can occur in many Kidney Disease patients and IgA nephropathy patients are a common sufferers.

Poor sleep, also known as insomnia , is a common experience for many patients with IgA nephropathy. Here are some common causes for poor sleep in Kidney Disease patients.

Poor Sleep Causes

If you happen to be a person who is suffering from IgA Nephropathy, the insomnia may be caused:

- Sleep Apnea Syndrome. As IgA Nephropathy develops, it may worsen to be Kidney Failure and get the patients get difficult breathing. This may causes sleep apnea syndrome, which will keep the patient awake all night.

- High Toxic Level. Kidneys work to filter the toxins, such as waste products and excessive water, from the blood, which keeps a clean internal environment. When kidneys are failed, the toxins will stay in the blood, causing high blood toxic level, which will increase the risk to develop insomnia.

- Restless Leg Syndrome. It is also a common complication for people who are affected by IgA Nephropathy. For people with restless leg syndrome, they may feel itchy or tingly in their legs at each moment, which causes they cannot sleep well.

- Itching Skin. Itching Skin is always associated with kidney disease. In normal condition, kidneys can regulate the potassium and keep the blood potassium level in a normal range in the blood. However, when kidneys are affected by IgA Nephropathy, it may cause potassium deposit in the blood, which will induce itching skin.

- Daytime somnolence. Many drugs are suggested for patients with IgA nephropathy to alleviate their kidney damage, symptoms and complications etc. And some of them may cause the side effects, such as daytime somnolence, which will cause patient to suffer from poor sleep.

There are still many others causes which can be responsible for poor sleep in patients with IgA Nephropathy. There are some herbs and other natural ways which can help deal with this symptoms in IgA Nephropathy, if you have interest, please leave a message below.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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