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IgA Nephropathy And High Cholesterol Level

In people with IgA nephropathy, high cholesterol level will be a common experience. Too much cholesterol can cause dangerous complication, such as heart disease.

IgA Nephropathy and High Cholesterol Level

In people with IgA nephropathy, heart disease is very common. It is reported that kidney disease cause the patient have cholesterol labs drawn at least yearly.

In return, the high cholesterol level causes more damages to blood vessels, including the renal artery. This worsens your IgA Nephropathy.

What Does high Cholesterol Level Mean?

Cholesterol can build up on the inside walls of blood vessels. The buildup makes pumping blood through the vessels harder for the heart and can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Besides, high cholesterol may also indicate that your diet is not proper. If you eat much saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol foods, which can also induce high cholesterol level. If you take the following foods in much amount, it is more likely for you to develop high cholesterol level:

- meat, cheese, chips, crackers, whole milk, butter, fried food, packaged foods, egg yolks etc.

How to lower the high cholesterol level in patients with IgA Nephropathy?

As for the high cholesterol can increase the risk to develop heart disease, it is important to find the treatment to control it as soon as possible. It is reported, many people with IgA nephropathy dies from its complications related to heart, not the Kidney Disease itself.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Many herbs help expand blood vessels and degrade the excessive cholesterol in the blood. Also, Chines Herbal Medicine helps repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney functions.

However, each person requires different herbal formula. Leave your message to kidneyservice@hotmail.com and get your personal herbs list.

Diet Management

- Choose lean meats, poultry and fish.

- Use herbs and spices to season foods instead of sauces, butter or margarine.

- Choose fresh fruits and vegetables.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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