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Can IgA Nephropathy Cause Heart Problem

If you happen to be a person with IgA nephropathy, you’d better keep a close eye on your heart health. IgA nephropathy is reported, somehow speeds up heart problem. Thereby, IgA nephropathy patients are suggested to have their heart tested at a regular basis.

Kidneys are important organs which work to balance the whole internal environment. Kidneys and many other internal organs, as a matter of fact, interlinks with each other rather than exist as separate organs. It also goes with kidneys and heart.

Heart is a never-stop working organ, as long as you live. It continues to pump oxygen-rich blood for your kidneys to do their work. Too little blood or too little pressure can cause acute or sudden Kidney Failure. On the contrary, too much blood will cause the kidneys over-burdened, which induces Chronic Kidney Disease.

On the other hand, when your kidneys are damaged due to IgA nephropathy or other kidney problems, your heart is also affected without control. When Kidneys are damaged, they fail to manufacture enough erythropoietin. This will lead to anemia. Anemia, in return, causes the heart to pump more blood in order to circulate enough oxygen throughout the body. As the heart work header, a medical condition called left ventricular hypertrophy occurs and this condition will increase the risk to develop Heart Failure.

In addition, IgA Nephropathy can cause high blood pressure which also increases the development of Heart Problem.

Having both heart and Kidney Disease can cause 20 times the risk of death from heart disorder than either problem alone. It is reported, kidney function decline increases more than 60% risk to death from Heart Failure. In some IgA nephropathy cases, even a mild kidney function decline may trigger heart disorder.

Thereby, any patient with IgA Nephropathy is suggested to prevent heart failure in the very early stage of Kidney Disease and choosing the treatment which helps improve the kidney function, but not only alleviate the symptoms, will make a big difference to increase the risk of heart problem.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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