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Right Solution for Bubbles in Urine for IgA Nephropathy

Right Solution for Bubbles in Urine for IgA NephropathyAlthough bubbles in urine are not as common as hematuria for IgA Nephropathy patients, this symptom also affects many patients with IgA Nephropathy. What is the right solution to manage bubbles in urine for patients with IgA Nephropathy?

First of all, we must know bubble in urine indicates protein in urine. As introduced by nephrologists, protein leakage for IgA Nephropathy is usually associated with damage to kidney mechanism barrier and charge barrier. From this point, the solution should be able to reduce protein leakage and repair damaged kidney filtering structure. Here, we would like to give out the following suggestions.

1. Replace animal protein with plant protein

It is reported that vegetarian meal plans can slow down the decline of glomerular filtration rate and kidney function and reduce the amount of protein leakage. Thereby, patients with IgA Nephropathy are suggested to limit their animal protein and use plant protein to meet their protein need.

2. Take correct medicines

If patients’ proteinuria is accompanied by high blood pressure, IgA Nephropathy patients are suggested to take ACEI and ARBs. If not, they can use prednisone, glucocorticoid, Cellcept, etc, to reduce bubbles in urine. Right medicines can ease this symptom for these patients timely.

3. Repair impaired kidney filtering structure

Immunotherapy is one therapy that can help overcome IgA Nephropathy effectively. This therapy contains six steps that work together to cleanse the blood, nourish inherent kidney cells and repair damaged kidney cells. Once kidney filtering structure is repaired very well, bubbles in urine will be managed very well.

4. Regulate immune system

The onset of IgA Nephropathy has a close link with immune disorder. Only if the immune system comes back to normal, patients can prevent the relapse of IgA Nephropathy. Medicated Bath, Acupuncture, Cycle Therapy, and so on, can help achieve this goal.

To learn which therapies are suitable for you, you can consult the doctor online or leave a message to kidneyservice@hotmail.com.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy Symptoms Protein in Urine

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