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Skin Rash for IgA Nephropathy Patients

Skin Rash for IgA Nephropathy Patients The progression of IgA Nephropathy is often accompanied by a series of symptoms and complications such as hematuria, proteinuria, swelling and skin rash. Today, we would like to introduce causes and treatments of skin rash for IgA Nephropathy.


IgA Nephropathy can cause kidney function to decline gradually. When kidneys are unable to purify blood normally, a lot of waste chemicals and toxins will build up in the blood. Generally, accumulation of large molecular substances can induce skin rash.

In fact, IgA Nephropathy is associated with immune disorder. Meanwhile, immune disorder can increase the risk of allergic reactions. Then, patients may have skin rash and itching easily.


Effective treatments should be taken according to the underlying causes.

If patients’ skin rash is due to collection of waste products and toxins, they should take some therapies to cleanse their blood. At present, many methods can help achieve this goal. They are Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Cycle Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Dialysis, Blood Purification, and so on. Consult the doctor online from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, so they can help patients to choose correct treatment to cleanse their blood.

If their skin rash is caused by immune disorder, it is necessary to take some therapies for normalizing immune system. In view of this, we would like to suggest Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

On one hand, this therapy can remove immune complexes, the trigger of IgA Nephropathy. Once these substances are eliminated from the body, the remaining kidney functioning tissues can be improved very well.

On the other hand, this external therapy can increase the blood flow into kidneys and prompt the self-curative ability of damaged kidney cells. Finally, patients’ kidney function increases gradually.

To learn more about the above medicines and therapies, you can ask us online or leave it in the form below.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms Kidney Disease Symptom Skin Rash

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