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Itchy Skin Rash Doesn't Go Away for IgA Nephropathy Patients

Itchy Skin Rash Doesn't Go Away for IgA Nephropathy PatientsWhen IgA Nephropathy progresses into end stage, patients must begin to suffer from some annoying symptoms. Some patients complain that the itchy skin rash doesn't go away. What is the reason?

In addition to filtering blood, maintaining electrolyte balance is another important kidney function. If kidneys are damaged severely by IgA Nephropathy, they will lose their ability to do their work normally. In this condition, different molecules of waste substances will build up in the body. Skin itchy rash is associated to the deposits of large molecular substances. This is why patients' skin problem can't be alleviated, even though they begin to do dialysis.

Another common cause of skin itching is high phosphorus level. With the decline of kidney filtration function, extra phosphorus will accumulate in the body, causing itchy crystals in the skin easily. Along with skin itching, high phosphorus level may also trigger bone disease, low calcium level, high PTH level, and so on.

According to the causes, patients should take the corresponding therapies to manage patients' skin itching rash actively.

Since dialysis fails to remove the pathogenic factors, patients are suggested to take blood purification methods that can eliminate large molecular waste products. Blood Purification is one therapy that can remove different sizes of waste chemicals, so it can help ease skin itching effectively. Clear Blood Pollution Therapy is one treatment that can both cleanse the blood and improve kidney condition from the root.

To deal with phosphorus accumulation, patients should limit their phosphorus intake or take some phosphate binders that can help lower phosphorus level effectively.

The detailed treatment plan should depend on patients' illness condition. To get an individual therapy, you should describe us more about your medical condition or leave your latest test report to kidneyservice@hotmail.com.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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