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Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese Tradition, which helps improve health and well-being. And scientific research is under way to learn more about its possible effects on chronic kidney disease.

What is Tai Chi?

Tai chi, originally develops for self-defense, is a mind-body practice in complementary and alternative medicine. Often described as meditation in motion, tai chi promotes serenity through gentle, flowing movements.

Tai chi, also called tai chi chuan, is a noncompetitive, self-paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion.

It has various styles and systems. But all involve slow, relaxed, graceful movements, each flowing into the next. The body is in constant motion, and posture is important. The names of some of the movements evoke nature

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Benefits for managing kidney disease

- Tai Chi helps improve the overall health of human being. It helps keep the balance of kidneys and other organs.

- Tai Chi helps alleviate the symptoms of kidney disease. For example, Tai Chi shows potential benefits for people with renal osteoporosis.

- Tai chi strengthens both the lower and upper extremities and also the core muscles of the back and abdomen."

- Depending on the speed and size of the movements, tai chi can provide some aerobic benefits.

- Tai Chi helps improve immunity and prevents infections or cold that may increase the development of kidney disease.

- Tai Chi helps alleviate the symptoms of poor appetite, poor sleep, mood swing, nausea, vomiting etc.

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Who can do Tai Chi?

As Tai Chi has low impact on people, it is generally practical for all ages, especially it is a good choice for senior people. Although tai chi is generally safe, women who are pregnant or people with joint problems, back pain, fractures, severe osteoporosis or a hernia should consult their health care provider before trying tai chi.

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Dos and Don'ts

- If you are considering a tai chi instructor, ask about the individual's training and experience.

- Do not use Tai Chi as a total replacement of your current treatments. Talk with your doctors. Usually, Tai Chi can work as a supplementary therapy.

- If you have a medical condition or have not exercised in a while, consult with your health care provider before starting tai chi.

- It is better to learn Tai Chi from a professional therapist, than a video or book.

- Choose loose-fitting clothes that don't restrict your range of motion. You can practice barefoot or in lightweight, comfortable, and flexible shoes.

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Will Tai Chi hurt me?

Tai chi is essentially a gentle activity unlikely to cause injury if done correctly. The exercises involve lots of flowing, easy movements that don't stress the joints or muscles.

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