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Type 1 Diabetes with Severe Swelling and Heart Problem

Type 1 Diabetes with Severe Swelling and Heart ProblemDiabetes is one systemic metabolic disorder, and it can induce a series of complications if uncontrolled effectively. Kidneys and heart are more likely to be damaged by long-term diabetes. We have a patient who just has this problem. Do you have a similar case?

The patient is 61 years old and has suffered from diabetes for 31 years. He was diagnosed with kidney disease 4 months ago. At that time, his proteinuira is 4g in 24 hours and creatinine 200umol/L with severe systemic swelling and heart problem. During these four months, he has gone to many hospitals. All of these hospitals thought his kidney damage and heart damage are caused by long-term diabetes, so they diagnosed type 2 diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy. Then, their treatment focused on dealing with these problems, but the therapeutic effect isn’t ideal.

When he was admitted into Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, doctors asked his illness history and gave him a series of tests in detail. Then, they found non-ideal management of diabetes is due to the incorrect type of insulin and the patient doesn’t have obvious insulin-resistance. Although he has a large amount of proteinuria, he also has hematuria and mild kidney shrinkage without diabetes-related complications. Finally, doctors give the diagnosis: type 1 diabetes and chronic glomerulonephritis.

According to the causes, the doctor uses anti-inflammatory and anti-immune treatment. In the same time, doctors try their best to control his diabetes very well. After half a month, his weight declines at 6kg, and his heart problem and renal anemia are alleviated obviously. What’s more, serum creatinine level reduces obviously.

All of these therapeutic effects give the patient more confidence to continue his treatment plan. Hopefully, he will be better and better.

Tag: Diabetes Diabetes Symptoms

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