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Nephrotic Syndrome, Age 18, Protein 3+ and Back Pain

Nephrotic Syndrome, Age 18, Protein 3+ and Back PainOne word from a person in his hometown ends this 18-year-old body's long treatment duration for Nephrotic Syndrome. When coming to the ward, we see this patient talking with Doctor Feng happily. Then, we find this is one young man from Shandong, and he has had Nephrotic Syndrome for 4 years.

In 2010, he found swelling in his eyelids and always had back pain, fatigue and foamy urine, so his parents took him to the local hospital. Then, the test reports shown protein 3+ and he was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome. Accordingly, the patient was admitted into the hospital. After about half a year's treatment, patient's urine test turned into negative, so he came back to school.

Unfortunately, his kidney disease relapsed after about two weeks, and a series of symptoms attacked the body again. This affected not only his life quality but also his mood, but he had no other option and had to go to hospital for treatment. Then, he accepted long-term treatment again and again during these four years.

In 2014, one person from his hometown gave a big hope for this young man, because this person had get recovery from Nephrotic Syndrome in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. After hearing this news, his sister took him to this hospital. Surprisingly, 10 days' treatment makes this patients' test report to normal. After one month's treatment, he has got complete recovery, and doctors said as long as he follow doctor's guidance after discharged, his Nephrotic Syndrome won't relapse again.

To make him remember what to notice in his life, nurse always told him again and again in daily life. Now, this young man just lives and studies as normally as healthy people. Thanks for all his doctors and nurses!

Tag: Nephrotic Syndrome nephrotic syndrome symptoms

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