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Nephritis Basics

Nephritis basics

Our Approach

We have the world's leading professional hospitals in treating Kidney Disease. The experts can customize care plan based on your own illness conditions and different stages of the diseases to ensure you receive the most advanced treatment with the least impact on your body.


Nephritis refers to the inflammation of blood filters in kidneys. Once the filters are impaired, they will not able to excrete the

metabolic products and keep the nutrients in body. The causes of nephritis in children and adults may have a mild difference.

Streptococcus bacteria infection is a common cause of nephritis, especially in children. Once the bacteria affect your body, it will lead to an immune reaction which damage the blood filters in kidneys.

In some cases, the systemic disorders may involve kidneys and lead to nephritis such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), purpura (an inflammation of the blood vessels caused by abnormal immune response), vasculitis etc.

In addition, long-term use of medications such as aspirin and some anti-inflammatory drugs and medicines for pain relief etc can cause renal interstitium thus resulting in interstitial


There are various categories of nephritis. Based on its causes, it can be divided into primary and secondary nephritis. According to the disease developing speed, Nephritis consists of Acute and Chronic nephritis. Nephritis is a kind of immune-medicated inflammatory reaction which can cause different parts of glomeruli thus leading to various kinds of pathological categories, mainly including

1. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis( MsPGN)

2. Membranous nephritis( MN)

3. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis( FSGS)

4. Membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis( MPGN)

5. Minimal change disease( MCD)


If you want to prevent nephritis, you should avoid the triggers that can cause such a problem to occur. The following factors or diseases can increase your risk of developing the disease.

1. Streptococcus bacteria infection is one of the most causes of nephritis. So you need avoid getting strep throat and avoid people who have the disease. Once you are diagnosed with the disease, you should cure it as early as possible.

2. Since nephritis can also be attributed to other diseases such as lupus, purpura, hepatitis etc, you should control the primary diseases to prevent it from impairing kidneys.

3. You should live a healthy life and keep regular exercise and proper dietary habits.

4. You should drink a lot of water. It can help you discharge the wastes products and reduce your risk of developing infections which may lead to nephritis.

If you have been diagnosed with Nephritis, we're here to help. Email us: kidneyservice@hotmail.com(Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment. Or you can make a vedio consultation and get second opinion from live doctor!

Nephritis Symptoms

Nephritis Symptoms

At beginning, Nephritis usually does not have symptoms. With the disease progression, you will present the following symptoms, including:

Hematuria is usually the first sign of Nephritis. The urine becomes cola-colored or tea-colored because of red blood cells loss in urine. Hematuria includes gross hematuria which can be seen with naked eyes and microscopic hematuria which is only seen under microscope.

Usually, you only have mild protein in urine. However, without control, it may develop massive proteinuria thus causing bubble in urine.

As your kidneys fail to discharge excess fluid from body, the urine output will reduce.

You may have mild high blood pressure .

The above symptoms usually present in Nephritis. However, these symptoms do not always mean you have the disease. You had better discuss these symptoms with your doctor and go for further diagnosis of the disease.

If you have been diagnosed with Nephritis, we're here to help.Email us: kidneyservice@hotmail.com(Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment. Or you can make a vedio consultation and get second opinion from live doctor!

Nephritis Treatment

Nephritis Treatment

If you are diagnosed with Nephritis, your doctor will evaluate your discuss the best option to treat it. This depends on several factors including your residual renal function, your overall health and other diseases you have. Our experts will make a personalized treatment based on your own illness conditions. One or more of the following therapies may be recommended to treat Nephritis.


Nephritis is an immune-medicated kidney disorder, in which your immune system attacks your kidneys mistakenly thus impairing the filters in kidneys. Immunotherapy aims at regulating the autoimmune process. Also it can control the symptoms of Nephritis by restoring the impaired kidneys. Therefore, it can give you a significant improvement of renal function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a pioneering therapy in the world. It is an innovative application of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and takes the advantages of TCM fully and gets rid of its disadvantages meanwhile.

The effective medicines can dilate blood vessels so as to enhance the excretion of the metabolic products such as creatinine, urine nitrogen etc. In addition, the medicines can improve your immunity and provide some nutrients like acid amino, vitamin and other trace elements to stimulate the self-repairing of the impaired kidney.

If you have been diagnosed with Nephritis, we're here to help. Email us: kidneyservice@hotmail.com(Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment. Or you can make a vedio consultation and get second opinion from live doctor!

Nephritis Diagnosis

Nephritis Diagnosis

Accurate and early diagnosis of Nephritis is very important to improve your treatment result and help your preserve your residual renal function. If you can get early diagnosis and proper treatment, you will be able to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant in the future.

The specialists are among the most experienced and skilled in the nation in diagnosing Nephritis. They use the most advanced equipment and techniques to help you choose the best therapies.

Nephritis diagnostic tests

If you have symptoms that may signal Nephritis like blood urine, swelling around eyelids, mild protein in urine etc, your doctor will ask you to take examination to get confirmed diagnosis. The diagnosis of Nephritis begins with a medical history, physical exam, and evaluation of symptoms. Your doctor will order following diagnostic tests to you.

Urine test: A urinalysis can reveal abnormalities of your kidney, if there is protein or red blood cells in your urine.

Blood test: If you have Nephritis, the protein level in blood is mild lower than normal. Serum creatinine level and blood urea levels are also measured to assess your overall kidney function.

Kidney biopsy: Biopsy is the gold-standard test to confirm the diagnosis of many kidney diseases, including Nephritis. It can also help determine the severity of the disease.

Immunological test: The above conventional tests only can reflect the severity of renal damage, but can not inspect out the underlying causes of Nephritis or reflect the renal injury in its very early stage. Immunological tests can find the underlying causes of Nephritis thus increase the chance of effective treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with Nephritis, we're here to help. Call us: Email us: kidneyservice@hotmail.com(Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment. Or you can make a vedio consultation and get second opinion from live doctor!

Nephritis Lifestyle

Nephritis Healthy Lifestyle

Although a proper diet is not enough in curing your Nephritis, but it can slow down its progression and relieve the symptoms of your disease. So, what dietary principles you should keep if you are diagnosed with Nephritis, as follows:

High-quality protein

You should keep high-quality proteins intake per day. To relieve the burden to your kidneys, you should limit its amount. The intake of proteins should be kept within 1~1.2g/kg body weight per day. The common foods rich in high quality proteins include milk, egg white, fish etc.


As you need limit the protein consumption, you should increase the calorie intake to guarantee sufficient energy to your body. You should choose the foods high in calorie, but low-protein level. You should keep the calorie intake within 30~40 kilocalorie/ kg per.


As your kidneys can not function normally, the extra fluid and sodium will cause fluid retention in body thus causing swelling and aggravating high blood pressure. To relieve burden on your kidneys, you should limit the salt intake less than 3 grams per day.

If you have been diagnosed with Nephritis, we're here to help. Email us: kidneyservice@hotmail.com(Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment. Or you can make a vedio consultation and get second opinion from live doctor!

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Email us: kidneyservice@hotmail.com



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