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Adrenal Cyst Causing A Lot of Pain

Adrenal Cyst Causing A Lot of PainAdrenal cyst is not a common type of kidney cyst, only affecting only one or two people in 10,000. If an adrenal cyst cause a lot of pain, what can you do to manage this problem?

What is adrenal cyst?

Kidney cyst is named due to its location on the kidneys, such as parapelvic cyst, renal cortical cyst, and renal sinus cyst. An adrenal cyst is a growth that appears on the adrenal gland.

Most people find adrenal cyst incidentally, when a patient is examined for other problems. Most of the patients are female. A adrenal cyst can occur at any age, but it is more easy to be found in patients between 30 and 60 years of age.

How does adrenal cyst cause a lot of pain?

When the adrenal cyst grows very large, it will stretch the capsule of kidneys, causing strong tension and pressure on the surrounding area. As a result, pain in the lower back, sides or abdomen occurs.

Kidney cyst infection is another cause of severe pain.

How to get rid of pain caused by adrenal cyst?

Treatment for a symptomatic adrenal cyst usually consists of watchful waiting, with regular examinations such as CT scans and blood tests being conducted to observe the growth pattern and hormonal changes.

The other options is surgical removal, which can be done laparoscopically, or through small incisions using an long, thin instrument equipment with a tiny camera.

Now, you can take a natural treatment named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is an external application on kidney area with osmotic device. It is innovated from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which come from the nature. The effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesions directly, improving blood circulation and enhancing renal function.

If you are interested in this therapy, you are welcomed to email to us at kidneyservice@hotmail.com or consult our doctors online directly.

Tag: Kidney Cyst Back Pain Kidney Cyst Symptoms

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