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Can Simple Kidney Cyst Cause Blood in Urine

Can Simple Kidney Cyst Cause Blood in UrineSimple kidney cyst develops when the renal tubule becomes bigger and full of fluid. In most cases, simple renal cysts are almost harmless and don’t cause any simple, but some patients suffer from blood in urine. Can simple kidney cyst cause blood urine?

Simple kidney cyst

As we know, simple kidney cyst is one closed sac filled by air or clear fluid. Because our kidneys have certain capacity, patients don’t have any discomfort if less than 5 small cysts grow in kidneys. However, as time goes on, simple kidney cyst grows bigger and bigger. Then, they may cause some symptoms and discomforts easily.

Will simple kidney cyst cause blood in urine?

Blood urine is indeed one common symptom of simple kidney cyst. Even though kidney cyst, as the above mentioned, is filled with clear fluid, blood is also more likely to be involved in kidney cysts. When kidney cyst is too big, the pressure from the surrounding kidney tissues or organs or any knock at the kidney area can cause simple kidney cyst to rupture easily. Then, sac fluid as well as blood will spread to other organs and systems especially urinary tract. In this case, blood urine occurs easily.

Besides, blood urine often happens along with urinary tract infections. If uncontrolled effectively, severe blood urine and urinary tract infections may even cause sepsis. From this point, kidney cyst patients should manage their blood urine actively.

In summary

If patients have blood urine accompanied by urinary tract infections, they are recommended to have more rest in the bed and drink more water to flush the body. In severe cases, patients may also need to take antibiotics. What’s more, some herbal tea such as corn silk and dandelion root can also help deal with this problem. To learn more home remedies for blood urine and urinary tract infections, you can contact us.

Tag: Kidney Cyst Kidney Cyst Symptoms

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