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What Does Low Creatinine Level Mean

What Does Low Creatinine Level MeanLow creatinine levels usually does not mean harmful causes, but in a few cases, it may indicate the presence of serious medical conditions. If you are undergoing lower creatinine level, it may result from one of the following causes.

- Reduced muscle mass. Creatinine is the by products of muscle metabolism. In people who have reduced muscle mass, creatinine levels tend to be low. For patients who have muscular dystrophy or myasthenia gravis, the creatinine levels are always lower than others. In addition, disabilities with limited movements also can decrease the muscle mass.

- Diet. The foods that are high in protein are always high in creatinine. If you take low protein diet for a long time, less creatinine phosphate will be broken down, leading to low creatinine levels. In this condition, you are suggested to take high protein foods, such as salmon, beef, pork etc.

- Age. Senior people may have a lower creatinine level, because the muscle mass will reduces as the age increases. Usually, young children also have a normal creatinine level that is lower than that of adults.

- Liver problem. This is another cause for low creatinine levels. If you happen to suffer from liver problem, such as hepatitis, or fatty liver disease, you may find the answer for low creatinine level. Liver affects the creatinine productions.

- Pregnancy. In the second trimester, many mother-to-be may undergo low creatinine levels. After the birth, creatinine levels will increase gradually and back to normal range.

But, if your creatinine level in urine is low, it may indicate a Kidney Disease. Creatinine is filtered out by kidneys in normal conditions. When kidneys cannot function well the creatinine will build up in the body, causing high creatinine level in blood while low creatinine level in urine.

No matter High Creatinine Level or low creatinine level, many natural ways can help manage it. Please don’t worry about it! Any help, leaving a message below will make us to find your questions easily. Contact Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

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