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What Are the High Creatinine Level Symptoms

Creatinine is by-product of muscle metabolism. High creatinine levels may result from various factors, such as increased muscle mass, strenuous exercise, food abuse and diseased kidneys. And what are the high creatinine level symptoms?

High creatinine levels, which is a Kidney Disease sign, result in various symptoms, disturbing sufferer’s life. If you are at high creatinine level, you may experience the following symptoms.

- no symptoms. Initial high creatinine levels may not produce any outstanding signs or symptoms. However, bodily responses will vary depending on how high the creatinine level is found to be upon evaluation. High creatinine levels do not immediately mean kidney disease; however, some form of kidney dysfunction is possible, therefore renal function should be assessed.

- as the creatinine level elevates, some signs and symptoms may appear diversly in sufferers. And you may experience one or more of the following discomforts: fatigue, lethargy, low-grade fever, loss of appetite, weight changes, dehydration, shortness of breath, a sense of malaise and headache complaints, urine amount changes, dark or cola urine, edema, back pain, etc.

How to lower high creatinine levels?

- finding the underlying cause. As mentioned above high creatinine level may result from various causes. Finding the root cause is the first way to get the proper management. If you are not sure about the cause, you are encouraged to talk you recent experience with our online staff. We are glad to help you find the cause.

- follow your doctor’s diet plan that is good for you. High creatinine levels itself can be caused by diet problems. A managed diet helps reduced the intake of foods that always increase creatinine levels.

- prepare for treatment. If you experience high creatinine level for a while, it is called temporary high creatinine levels. Usually, it does not need treatment. However, if you undergo a chronic high creatinine levels, you are at risk of suffering underlying disease, such as kidney disease or blood disease.

When your creatinine levels increase extremely fast, dialysis may be recommended. Otherwise, long-term extreme high creatinine levels may cause dangerous problems relating your life.

Whether high creatinine levels result from lifestyle changes or underlying severe diseases, Test series are required. If you are interested, you can ask the test list for high creatinine levels by email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com or by using the below message board.

Tag: High Creatinine Level


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