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The Proper Treatment for FSGS( Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis)

The Proper Treatment for FSGS( Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis)FSGS( Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) is the traditional name diagnosed by the traditional diagnostic methods. In the cell aspect, we also call it glomerular epithelial cell disease. The main cause of disease can be divided into two groups, intrarenal reason like people with low immunity oneself and extrarenal reason like infection, having a cold and so on. What is the proper treatment for FSGS? After read this passage, you will have the answer.

Dilate the blood vessels

Why patients need dilate the blood vessels? Because there are much immune complex in their blood which could deposited on the vessel wall. It could cause ischemia and hypoxia of various kinds of cells and narrow the blood vessels. The aim of dilate the blood vessels is improve the blood circulation and provide an effective environment to repair the damaged cells.


Why patients need anti-inflammatory? The reason is simple; it is to decrease inflammatory cell infiltration, to relieve reinjury of the glomerular epithelial cells.


The increased inflammatory corpuscle could increase the viscosity of blood which would lead to microthrombus. Using anti-freezing medicine is to relieve the pressure of the thrombosis, and lay the foundation for epithelial cell repairing.


There are much toxin and immune complex in patients’ blood. If patients want to treat their disease, they need use degradation medicine to help them cleanse the toxin and immune complex.

The most effective way to treat FSGS is combined the traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine which could play the biggest effect on patients condition.

If you are interested in this therapy, or you want to know more information about FSGS, you can consult our online doctors or leave your contact way below which our doctor will contact you in 24 hours.

Tag: FSGS FSGS Treatment

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