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When Do Children With FSGS Require Kidney Transplant Or Dialysis

When Do Children With FSGS Require Kidney Transplant Or DialysisIf children have FSGS, when do they require kidney transplant or dialysis? FSGS is the abbreviation of focal segmental glomerular sclerosis that can occur at any age. If uncontrolled effectively, FSGS will progress into kidney failure gradually. Then, patients have to do kidney transplant or dialysis.

What is the answer?

FSGS is one condition that kidney scarring develops in kidney filters, glomeruli. As more and more glomeruli are involved in FSGS, patients’ kidney function level or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) drops.

In most countries, patients are recommended to prepare for dialysis treatment, when their GFR is less than 15%, and they are suggested to wait for kidney transplant, when their GFR is 20% or less. However, not all patients can do kidney transplant or dialysis. If the child is younger than 5 years old, they had better choose some alternative therapies.

Now, determine whether the child with FSGS still has chance to avoid kidney transplant or dialysis.

FSGS has a close link with the deposit of immune complexes and abnormal immune system, so therapies that can help remove immune complexes and regulate immune system. From this point, if children have certain kidney function, they still have chance to live without dialysis or kidney transplant.

Which therapy can help achieve this goal?

Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy both can help treat FSGS from the root. Immunotherapy can focus on treating kidney disease caused by immune disorder, while Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can regulate the internal environment and repair damaged kidney cells. Once kidneys can recover to work normally, patients don’t need to do kidney transplant or dialysis any more.

If your child is tormented by FSGS, you can ask professional advice from doctor online to determine a helpful treatment plan for improving his or her prognosis and life quality.

Tag: FSGS FSGS Treatment FSGS Immunotherapy

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