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FSGS and Flank Pain

Flank pain can be a sign of Kidney Disease. As FSGS develops gradually, some symptoms will emerge gradually and flank pain is one of the them.

Why patients with FSGS feel flank pain?

It is related to the location of kidneys. The flank pain in FSGS patients usually is caused by the kidneys which locates near the middle of the back, just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. When the kidneys are damaged, patients may feel Back Pain, Flank Pain or Stomach pain, due to the kidney locations.

Thereby, to deal with the pain caused by Kidney Disease, the key is to repair the damaged kidneys. Many ways aim at managing a better kidneys, which will help FSGS patients a lot.

How to alleviate flank pain in patients with FSGS?

Here are some treatments and natural ways which help alleviate the flank pain. Read on and hope the information are helpful for you.


Massage affects the activity of certain genes, directly reducing inflammation in muscles — the same result you’d get by taking aspirin or ibuprofen — and boosting their ability to recover from chronic pain.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine uses various herbs, plants, fruits, leaves etc to alleviate various chronic diseases. Some specific herbs help relieve flank pain, back pain, naturally without side effects.

Chinese Herbal Medicine has been established more than 3.000 years which is safer, compared with the chemical treatments or medicines.


Immunotherapy is a biological therapy which doesn’t alleviate the flank pain directly. However, it helps rebuild the damaged immune system of FSGS patients and uses the new immune system to fight against the disease. In addition, it helps reverse some kidney damage and improve kidney functions. It helps control the flank pain by manage a better kidney condition.

Tag: FSGS Symptoms

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