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How to Deal with Low Haemoglobin For FSGS Patients

How to Deal with Low Haemoglobin For FSGS PatientsPatients with FSGS especially end stage are at a risk of low haemoglobin, which can reveal the severity of anemia. If hemoglobin level is dangerous low, patients may even suffer from coma. Thereby, it is necessary for FSGS patients to increase their haemoglobin level if it is lower than the normal value.

Haemoglobin is one special protein that is responsible for transporting oxygen and making the blood present red. Normally, haemoglobin level is 120~160g/L for men, 110~150g/L for women, 170~200g/L for newborn, and 110~160g/L for children. If people's hemoglobin level is lower the normal value, it indicates anemia.

FSGS usually occurs with the loss of kidney function and protein leakage. Diseased kidneys are unable to produce enough EPO to stimulate the body for making enough red blood cells. In the same time, iron in the body is also lost along with the loss of protein.

As the above analysis, treatments that increase haemoglobin level include:

- Eat more iron-containing foods: Lean meat, black fungus, black sesame seed and red jujube are rich in iron, so FSGS patients can eat more these foods to overcome their renal anemia caused by iron deficiency.

- Choose high-quality protein: High-quality protein can provide enough energy for the body and help prompt the production of red blood cells.

- Take erythropoietin therapy: If low hemoglobin is due to low kidney function, patients are suggested to take erythropoietin to help treat patients' anemia.

- Accept Stem Cell Therapy: If kidney function has been lost every seriously, patients are suggested to take Stem Cell Therapy, which can not only rebuild kidney filtering structure but also normalize blood circulation.

If you are interested about the above therapies that can help increase haemoglobin level for FSGS patients, you can have more information from the doctor online or leaving a message below.

Tag: FSGS FSGS Symptoms

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