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How Do You Stop Swelling All Over With FSGS

How Do You Stop Swelling All Over With FSGSFSGS occurs when kidney scarring develops in kidney filters, glomeruli. It is reported that about 2/3 of FSGS patients have severe swelling. If you are diagnosed with FSGS and suffer from swelling all over, you can learn some effective treatments to stop swelling here.

Because extra fluid retention and a large of protein leakage can cause swelling, the treatments should depend on the causes.

If swelling is caused by fluid retention, the therapeutic effect should be able to remove extra fluid.

Firstly, patients should limit their fluid and sodium intake, so as to prevent the aggravation of swelling or edema. Secondly, they can drink some herbal tea. As introduced by doctors of TCM, some herbal tea has diuretic property. For example, dandelion root, nettle leaf, corn silk and so on, all can help prompt kidneys to remove more fluid. Thirdly, patients may need to take some medications such as diuretic, ACEI, ARBs and steroid. These medications have an effect of treating swelling.

If swelling is caused by protein leakage, the treatment should prevent protein from leaking or repair damaged kidney filtering structure.

On one hand, ACEI, ARBs, steroid and immunosuppressants can help ease proteinuria effectively but not fundamentally. What’s worse, steroid or immunosuppressants are more likely to cause a host of side effects. On the other hand, Immunotherapy or Clear Blood Pollution Therapy should be applied to fix impaired kidney cells or restore kidney filtering system. When kidneys are able to filter waste products and keep nutritions including protein in the body normally, protein leakage will be controlled effectively. Accordingly, swelling all over is eased spontaneously.

In different cases, patients need to take various treatments. If you want to learn more about the above diet plan or treatment option, you can contact us directly.

Tag: FSGS FSGS Symptoms

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