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Patients with FSGS Have Frequent Urination

Patients with FSGS Have Frequent UrinationPatients with FSGS can have many problems in their body in the process of their kidney function being damaged gradually. In fact, many patients with FSGS may find they have frequent urination at night, which causes patients to worry about what problem has appeared their body. As we can imagine, it is a problem which can destroy patient’s sleeping quality and mental condition.

Why patients with FSGS have frequent urination?

Kidney is an important organ for our body health, because it plays a key role in regulating our internal metabolic balance. A major function of kidney is to removing out the excess fluid from our body, and when FSGS patients’ kidney function is damaged, it is normal for patients to have problem in his urination.

Kidney tubule is an important part for our kidney, which has the function of reabsorption, and almost 99% filtered fluid will be reabsorbed back to blood by kidney tubules. As a result, when kidney tubules are damaged, lots of fluid will leak out through urine.

In fact, it is more likely for FSGS patients to have urination at night, because in daytime, there is a large amount of fluid will be secreted out in other ways, like sweating, breathing, the need of patient’s metabolism, etc. In the night, urination is the major way to remove out the filtered fluid.

How to treat FSGS patients’ frequent urination?

To treat frequent urination at night, diet is an important for patients to control their condition. Patients may need to supply his water loss adequately, and there are may other aspects should be considered in patients’ diet. It is better for patients to look for help from a dietitian, which can make a diet plan according to his won condition.

Besides, patients should choose treatment that can repair their kidney damage, and a treatment that combines Chinese medicine and western medicine will be needed. Chinese medicine can help repair patient’s kidney damage and improve kidney function by systemic treatment, and western medicine can help control patient’s condition by symptomatic treatment. In fact, Clear Blood Pollution will be a perfect choice.

In the end, if you have any trouble in dealing with your condition, you can contact our online experts, and we will do what we can to help you.

Tag: FSGS Symptoms Frequent Urination

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