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IgA Nephropathy with Sleep Problems and Headaches

IgA Nephropathy with Sleep Problems and HeadachesPeople with IgA Nephropathy may experience sleep problems and headaches. In order to find solutions, causes of these issues should be firstly figured out.

What causes sleep problems in IgA Nephropathy?

Common causes are as below:

Restless leg syndrome. Factors that may cause this condition include iron deficiency or anemia, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, Diabetes, certain medicines.

Sleep apnea. Patients may snore heavily until breathing is interrupted or stops. This occurs due to a slight or complete obstruction on the airways.

Inadequate dialysis. Build up of waste products in the blood could make sleep difficult.

Emotions like worry, anxiety and sadness can keep patients up at night.

What causes headaches in IgA Nephropathy?

High blood pressure, or hypertension. Healthy kidneys functions to regulate the blood pressure level. When they are diseased, this function is impaired. Headache may occur in case of consistent hypertension.

Build up of the wastes. The damaged kidneys fail to work adequately to expel waste products, and these substances will accumulate within the body, leading to headaches.

Anemia. When the damaged kidneys fail to produce EPO, a protein that helps to create red blood cells, there is unusually low count of red blood cells (renal anemia). In this case, a specific headache know as 'anemic headache' can be caused.

The above is about common causes of sleep problems and headaches in IgA Nephropathy. You can chat with our online doctor to confirm the exact cause of your problem. Then they can offer you the best option to eliminate your discomforts. Best wishes!

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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