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IgA Nephropathy with High Creatinine Levels and Abdominal Pain

IgA Nephropathy with High Creatinine Levels and Abdominal PainIgA Nephropathy can affect people of all ages. Usually, it is asymptomatic in the early stages. For some persons with this disorder, they may develop high creatinine levels and abdominal pain.

IgA Nephropathy and high creatinine levels

Creatinine is a chemical waste produce in the blood that passes through the kidneys to be filtered and eliminated into the urine. Serum creatinine helps evaluate kidney function. The level goes up when renal function decline more than 30 to 50 percent.

In case of IgA Nephropathy, with the deterioration of kidney function, the kidneys are not able to filter wastes efficiently, there will likely be a rise in serum creatinine levels.

IgA Nephropathy and abdominal pain

a. Abdominal pain especially occurs in conjunction with an episode of gross hematuria, and it may be a crossover symptom on the continuum between IgAN and HSP. Merely a minority of patients seem to have this problem.

b. For some patients with IgA Nephropathy, the abdominal pain may be related with pancreatitis.

c. In cases of IgA Nephropathy and ESRD, the pain may develop due to gastroparesis, a condition that means delayed emptying of stomach contents and delayed movement of food through the digestive tract. Other symptoms also include nausea, early feeling of fullness after eating even small meals, and regurgitation.

d. Pediatric patients with IgA Nephropathy often suffer from bouts of excruciating abdominal pain that can mimic appendicitis.

Recognizing the causes of high creatinine levels and abdominal pain in IgA Nephropathy, treatment can be taken to solve these problems as soon as possible. You can leave a message in the below if you want to know specific advice to your illness condition.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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