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Joint Pain and Kidney Stone with IgA Nephropathy

Joint Pain and Kidney Stone with IgA NephropathyIgA Nephropathy, or Berger's disease, arises when internal kidney structures named glomeruli become inflamed and injured. Blood in urine (hematuria) is a hallmark of this disease. In some cases, patients also experience joint pain and kidney stone.

Joint pain in IgA Nephropathy

Joint pain is discomfort that arises from any joint - the point where two or more bones meet. This pain can be very bothersome. In IgA Nephropathy, the pain often occurs due to renal osteopathy.

Normally, the kidneys help to produce calcitriol from vitamin D. Calcitriol helps stimulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and bones. If the kidneys are damaged, they fail to perform this function, resulting in bone disease and joint pain.

Kidney stone in IgA Nephropathy

Kidney stone may happen in case of people with IgAN due to the imbalance of calcium level within the body. Joint pain due to calcium deposition is common. With large stones in the kidneys, patients will suffer from extreme pain.


Acupuncture. As a key component of tradition Chinese medicine treatment, acupuncture has been used as a natural pain killer for thousands of years. Inserting needles into certain acupoints, certain hormones can be released by the body to relieve pain.

Clear Blood Pollution Therapy. In order to eliminate symptoms and complications of IgA Nephropathy like joint pain and kidney stone, the best way is to treat the disease from the root cause. So far, Clear Blood Pollution Therapy is the latest treatment for IgAN. Under this treatment, patients can get the best curative effects.

For more information about the best treatment for IgA Nephropathy, you can consult us online or leave a message in the below. Best wishes!

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