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Chinese Medicines Stop Relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome

Most Nephrotic Syndrome patients complain their condition relapses frequently. Even a small cold can make their condition reoccur. In our hospital, our Chinese medicines can stop relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome.

The following is a patient story.

This patient has many times of Nephrotic Syndrome relapse. Due to aggravated condition, he came to our hospital for treatment.

Before our treatment

Protein 3+

24h urine protein quantity 3.8g

Uric acid 1012

Creatinine 183

Urine volume 500

Toxins in his blood and kidneys cause immune inflammatory reaction and cause a series of complications.

After our treatment 

After our experts discussion, our experts give him a systematic therapy including Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Oral Chinese Medicine Soup and Moxibustion Therapy, etc. The key point of our treatments is to discharge excess wastes from your body to give you a clean blood environment via urine, bowel movement and sweat glands. The root cause of kidney damage is excess substance accumulation in your body. Excess is toxic. Our Chinese medicines ca discharge toxins from your body. Then Chinese medicines can arrive at kidney lesion directly to repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. After 10 days of treatment, his creatinine level is reduced to 79umol/L and 15 days later, his urine volume is increased to 1500ml. Uric acid is normal and protein is negative.
Chinese Medicines Stop Relapse of Nephrotic SyndromeChinese Medicines Stop Relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome
Chinese Medicines Stop Relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome
Chinese Medicines Stop Relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome

He is so happy to see this result. He said he should come earlier. But now it is still not too late. If you have interest in our treatments, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Tag: nephrotic syndrome treatment Nephrotic Syndrome

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