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Is There A Natural Healing for Nephrotic Syndrome

Is There A Natural Healing for Nephrotic SyndromeNephrotic Syndrome is one common glomerular disorder that is characterized by severe edema and obvious proteinuria. Faced by these problems, patients must want to seek one natural healing to treat Nephrotic Syndrome. Is there such a healing?

Conventional therapies for Nephrotic Syndrome

The conventional therapies are mainly used to manage patients’ symptoms and slow down the progress of this disease. The following are common treatment options.

- Food Therapy: Take high-quality protein and develop a low-sodium diet

- Diuretic treatment to ease swelling

- ACEI and ARB to alleviate proteinuria

- Steroid Therapy

- Cytotoxic Drug

- Immunosuppressants

The former three methods are mainly used to control patients’ symptoms, while the later three methods aim at managing inflammatory reactions and treating Nephrotic Syndrome through weakening patients’ immune system, but these medications may cause some side effects easily. For example, weight gain, slow growth, moon face, mood swing, infections, and so on, are common side effects of steroid, cytotoxic drugs and immunosuppressants.

Natural healing for Nephrotic Syndrome patients

According to the characteristics of this disease, Immunotherapy is indeed helpful. Different from conventional therapies, Immunotherapy focuses on treating Nephrotic Syndrome from the root, and it has three obvious therapeutic effects.

1. Regulate immune system: This can prevent new immune complexes from depositing in kidneys again and protect remaining kidney functioning tissues from damage.

2. Remove pathogenic factors: During Immunotherepy, various blood purification methods and Chinese medicines may be used to eliminate pathogenic factors from the kidneys.

3. Rebuild glomerular filtering system: Once glomeruli can filter blood normally, extra fluid will be removed and protein will be kept in the body. Therefore, patients’ swelling and proteinuria ease obviously.

If you or your family member is suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome, Immunotherapy may be worth a try for you. However, you should firstly consult the doctor online more about this therapy.

Tag: nephrotic syndrome treatment Nephrotic Syndrome Nephrotic Syndrome Immunotherapy

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