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Hormone Therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome

Hormone Therapy for Nephrotic SyndromeNephrotic Syndrome is one group of clinical manifestations. They are proteinuria, swelling, hypoproteinemia and hyperlipemia. To control these symptoms, hormone therapy is often used. How does hormone therapy treat Nephrotic Syndrome? Is there an alternative treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome.

To find the answer, we had better make clear the causes of Nephrotic Syndrome.

Nephrotic Syndrome is one kidney disease that can appear at any age especially in children. In clinic, Nephrotic Syndrome can be caused by various diseases that are characterized by increase of glomerular basement membrane. Therefore, patients are more likely to have protein leakage in urine and obvious swelling.

What can hormone therapy do for Nephrotic Syndrome patients?

Hormone therapy, also called steroid therapy, is taken to prevent Nephrotic Syndrome from worsening and help ease proteinuria and swelling. In most cases, patients can get obvious improvements from steroids especially when they have serious proteinuria, so hormone therapy is able to slow down the progress of Nephrotic Syndrome for most patients.

However, in some cases, patients are resistant to hormone therapy. That’s to say, hormone therapy doesn’t work for all Nephrotic Syndrome patients. What’s worse, hormone therapy is more likely to cause a series of side effects for Nephrotic Syndrome patients, such as wight again, slow growth, poor appetite, etc. For these reasons, NS patients try to look for some alternative treatments.

Alternative treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome

Since Nephrotic Syndrome is characterized by increase of glomerular basement membrane, the treatment should be able to normalize this state. Here, we would like to introduce Clear Blood Pollution Therapy.

Through reducing the burden on glomerular filter membrane and increasing the blood and oxygen supplement for kidney inherent cells, Clear Blood Pollution Therapy indeed can help fix damaged kidney filters. Once glomeruli can keep protein in blood and filter out extra fluid and waste products successfully, symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome will be controlled radically.

Of course, some other treatments are also able to help treat Nephrotic Syndrome with few side effects. If you are interested about these natural remedies, you can contact us by emailing to kidneyservicechina@hotmail.com or leaving your question in below form.


previous:Herbs That Are Often Used In Treating Nephrotic Syndrome

next:Antibiotics Suitable for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

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