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Alternative Treatment for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

Alternative Treatment for Childhood Nephrotic SyndromeImmunosuppressive agents and steroids are usually prescribed to treat Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. However, the disease often relapses frequently under such treatments. The curative effects are not satisfactory. Is there any alternative treatment? Chat with our online doctor directly or read on to find the answer.

Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome is an autoimmune disease. The pathological changes of this disorder is damage to epithelial cells of the kidneys.

If a child has low immunity, he is very susceptible to get a cold or infection, and immune disorder will occur. Abnormal immune reaction will cause massive immune complexes deposited on the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), causing the proliferation and swelling of epithelial cells and impairing the kidneys' filtration function. Proteins will get leaked into the urine.

Conventional medicines for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome are effective in controlling the immune reaction so as to relieve the symptoms. However, due to their inability to eliminate immune complex deposits, the disease will recur easily.

In China, Immunotherapy is developed as an alternative natural treatment for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. As a holistic approach, it can not only relieve the symptoms but also eliminate the root cause by clearing up the immune complex deposits and rectifying the immune dysfunction.

In general, the treatment process include six steps, named an accurate diagnosis, block the excessive immune response, immune tolerance, regulate the immune system, immune protection and immune clearance. Certainly, treatment plan is made based on each patient's specific illness condition. The best curative effect can be achieved.

For people who are still looking for alternative natural treatment for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome, Immunotherapy is a good choice. If you are interested to know more information, feel free to Contact Us.

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