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Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst Management

Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst ManagementA hemorrhagic renal cyst is characterized by hemorrhage or bleeding into the cyst. If left untreated or without good management, patients will suffer from more complex conditions. Therefore, it is very significant to get good management for patients with hemorrhagic renal cysts. Well then, how to do?

Actually, as long as you can find out the underlying cause of the condition, you can take the fundamental measures to solve the problem effectively.

What are the possible causes of hemorrhagic kidney cyst?

Kidney cyst is filled-fluid and round pouch, which have blood vessels on the cyst’s wall. When the cyst enlarges to a certain size, it will increase the pressure to the kidney itself and other surrounding tissues or organs. Due to huge pressure, blood vessels on the cysts’ walls are prone to burst. As a result, bleeding cysts will occur. In addition, other conditions like stimulation of diet or medications, improper exercises’ styles, surgery, etc also may cause the bleeding.

Based on these reasons, you can make a management plan:

1. Shrink cysts naturally

Unlike surgery, we can shrink kidney cysts without pain and other side effects by our Chinese Medicine Treatments. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of effective therapies in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Because the active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines can help expand blood vessels around cysts, speed up blood circulation and increase the permeability of cysts wall. In such a condition, kidney cysts will become smaller and smaller gradually. If you want to get more details, you can email to us at kidneyservice@hotmail.com or leave a message below directly!

2. Avoid stimulated foods

In our daily life, it is important to keep away from stimulated foods for kidney cysts patients. These foods include alcohol, spicy food, sea food, high protein food, high salt diet, coffee and so on. In order to protect remaining renal function, patients should develop kidney-friendly diet plan.

3. Have a good rest

Do not do strenuous exercise like football, basketball, long running, etc. Instead, patients can do some moderate exercise like TaiChi, jogging, walking. But it is important to avoid the some gestures like pressing, stretching.

Tag: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Kidney Disease Treatment Kidney Cyst Treatment

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