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Is Large Parapelvic Cyst A Serious Disease

Is Large Parapelvic Cyst A Serious DiseaseParapelvic cyst originates from renal sinus. If it is kept in small size, patients don’t need to worry it. If not, large parapelvic cyst may cause some problems easily. Thereby, large parapelvic cyst may be one serious disease.

This is because large parapelvic cyst will oppress its surrounding kidney tissues or cause kidney blockage. Then, kidney damage, hydronephrosis, urinary tract infections, hematuria, back pain, and so on, may appear gradually. In view of this, patients should take prompt treatment to shrink their parapelvic cyst timely.

When mentioning large kidney cyst, a lot of patients will consider surgery like aspiration. However, surgery isn’t available for patients with parapelvic cyst. In view of this, patients are suggested to accept conservative therapies. If you trust Chinese medicine, we would like to recommend the following therapies.

1.Oral Chinese Medicine: The effective ingredients of these medicines can reach parapelvic cysts to increase the permeability of cystic walls and circulatory system. Then, sac fluid can be discharged out of the body via circulatory system. Besides, these medicines can regulate the internal environment so as to prevent the relapse of parapelvic cyst effectively. However, some patients refuse to drink Chinese medicines, because they are bitter.

2.External application of Chinese medicine: Since some patients with kidney cyst refuse to drink oral Chinese medicines, a lot of kidney experts work together and create Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Hot Compress Therapy. Both of these therapies can help shrink parapelvic cyst directly through working on kidney area.

In addition to the above therapies, patients should also follow a healthy diet plan and live a healthy lifestyle. If you haven’t found a correct treatment plan or arranged a healthy diet plan and lifestyle, you can consult the doctor online or leave a message below.

Tag: Kidney Cyst Kidney Cyst Treatment

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