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How Does Large Kidney Cyst Cause Hematuria

How Does Large Kidney Cyst Cause HematuriaLarge kidney cyst is one common kidney disorder especially in the elderly. If the kidney cyst is so big, it will cause a series of symptoms and complications. Hematuria is just one common symptom of large kidney cyst. Why do these patients have blood in urine?

Our kidneys are responsible for filtering blood and removing waste products and toxins from the body. If kidney cyst is small in size, patients don’t need to worry about their kidney problem. Otherwise, kidney cyst may cause some damage to inherent kidney cells. Generally speaking, the following conditions can make kidney cyst induce hematuria.

- The growth of kidney cysts

In some cases, some blood may be involved in kidney cysts. As they become bigger and bigger, they may develop into hemorrhagic cysts. This is one reason of hematuria for patients with large kidney cyst.

- Rupture of large kidney cyst

As kidney cyst becomes too big, the surrounding kidney tissues and other organs will compress these kidney cysts. Finally, large kidney cyst ruptures easily. Then, sac fluid will spread into surrounding kidney tissues and other organs, so blood urine occurs.

- Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is often accompanying with large kidney cyst, while blood in urine is just one sign of urinary tract infections. In severe cases, patients should take more rest in bed, and take prompt treatments to manage these problems timely. Otherwise, it may cause direct damage to inherent kidney cells.

In summary

Now, we can know the causes of hematuria for patients with large kidney cyst. Different causes need to take different managements. If you happen to have this problem, you can consult the doctor online or leave a message below. Therefore, kidney experts here can give you some suggestions in detail.

Tag: Kidney Cyst Kidney Cyst Symptoms

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