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Back Pain and 7cm Kidney Cyst

Back Pain and 7cm Kidney Cyst7 cm kidney cyst is quite large, so it must have oppress its surrounding kidney functioning tissues. Then, some symptoms including back pain will happen easily. Well, how to manage back pain and 7cm kidney cyst?

Simple kidney cyst is one asymptomatic disorder, if it is kept in small size. However, once it is bigger than 4cm, patients may have some discomfort easily. In most cases, these patients’ back pain is due to two conditions:

- Enlarged kidney cyst: Large kidney cyst will pull the nerve within kidneys. When these nerves in kidneys are damaged, patients will have back pain.

- Kidney cyst rupture: The pressure from surrounding kidney tissues or any knock at kidney area will cause kidney cyst to rupture easily. Then, sac fluid will spread to many other organs including urinary tract. With the onset of urinary tract infections, back pain or kidney pain appears.

After finding out the causes of back pain for these patients, we would like to recommend the following methods to manage patients’ problem.

1. Drink more water: Water is the best cleaner to flush the body, so it can help prevent and manage infections including urinary tract infections.

2. Avoid strenuous exercise: In addition to strenuous exercise, patients should also avoid bending and stretching movements, in order to prevent kidney cyst rupture.

3. Shrink kidney cyst actively: Only if kidney cyst is kept in small size, patients will relieve their back pain from the root and avoid related complications. To achieve this goal, patients can choose surgery or Chinese Herbal Medicine based on their medical condition.

If kidney cyst has caused some symptoms, patients are suggested to take prompt treatments to manage their problems. If you need any help, you can leave a message below or email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com.

Tag: Kidney Cyst Kidney Cyst Symptoms

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