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Why Do Kidney Cyst Patients Have Urgency in Urination

Why Do Kidney Cyst Patients Have Urgency in UrinationIn most cases, kidney cyst is asymptomatic, because patients’ cyst is kept in small size. However, if kidney cyst is too big, some related complications will occur and urgency in urination is just one of these problems. Why do patients have this problem?

Generally, urgent urination is associated with urinary tract infections. If kidney cyst is too big or kidney cyst ruptures, sac fluid will spread into other organs especially urinary tract. Then, urinary tract infections occur, and urgency in urination is just one sign of infections.

After finding out the underlying cause, patients should take some methods to manage patients’ urinary tract infections, so as to alleviate urgent urination effectively.

Firstly, patients should drink more water or cranberry juice. Both of these can help flush the urinary tract, and cranberry juice has a great effect on preventing and treating urinary tract infections.

Secondly, patients may need to take some antibiotics in severe cases. If patients have urgent urination, it may indicate severe urinary tract infections. If uncontrolled effectively, this condition may even induce acute kidney failure. Therefore, patients should check with the doctor to choose correct antibiotics to eat.

Lastly, some therapies or medicines that can help shrink kidney cysts should also be taken. In fact, some Chinese medicines are proven to have this effect. These medicines can help drain sac fluid and prevent the secretion of sac fluid. Finally, kidney cyst becomes smaller and smaller. Then, the related complications can be managed very well.

These are some therapies suggested to manage urgent urination. Of course, the detailed treatment plan should depend on patients’ illness condition. Leave the size and number of your kidney cysts to kidneyservice@hotmail.com or kidneyservice@hotmail.com, so kidney experts here can help you in detail.

Tag: Kidney Cyst Kidney Cyst Symptoms

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