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Can Kidney Cyst Cause High Blood Pressure

Can Kidney Cyst Cause High Blood PressureCan kidney cyst cause high blood pressure? We have accepted this question from some patients with kidney cyst. As we know, kidney cyst will not cause any symptom in its early stage, especially when patients’ cyst is smaller than 3cm, and that may be why patients have this doubt.

In fact, hypertension is a common symptom in patients with kidney cyst. To know the reason of this condition, it is necessary for patients to know why patients with kidney disease often have hypertension.

Causes of renal hypertension

Renal hypertension is caused by two major reasons. One is the retention of sodium and water, and the other is the increase of renin excretion.

As the cysts progresses, patients’ kidney will be damaged gradually. While kidney has the function of excreting water and wastes out of body, so damaged kidney will cause the retention of water and other substances, and the retention of water and sodium can cause the blood volume to increase, which can cause hypertension.

Besides, damaged kidney can cause the shortage of blood flow in kidney, and this can cause patients’ kidney to excrete more renin. Renin can act on angiotensinogen, which is produced by liver, and then produce angiotensins. Some angiotensins can shrink blood vessels directly, and some can promote the excretion of aldosterone, which can also make blood vessel shrunken. That can also cause patients to have hypertension.

Why patients with kidney cyst have hypertension?

The hypertension of patients with kidney cyst is mainly caused by the second reason, the increase in patients’ renin excretion.

As patients’ cysts grow, they will oppress patients’ kidneys, which will cause the decrease of blood flow in patients’ kidneys. That will cause the increase of renin’s excretion. While as patients’ disease aggravates, they may also have the retention of sodium and water, which will aggravate this symptom.

To improve this symptom, medicines like ACEI and ARB may be needed,and patients should also pay attention to their salt intake. Different patients have different symptoms, so they should take measures according to their own conditions. In addition, if you have any other questions, you can consult our online experts, and we are willing to help you.

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