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Diagnosis and Natural Remedy for Renal Cortical Cyst

Diagnosis and Natural Remedy for Renal Cortical CystA renal cyst, or Kidney Cyst, is a fluid-filled sac that develops in one or both kidneys. Symptoms of a renal cortical cyst include pain in your back and abdomen and along the body's side between ribs and hip; frequent urination; dark or bloody urine; and fevers. For people who have any of these symptoms, they should go to see their physician and do tests that can detect renal cysts.

Diagnosis of Renal Cortical Cyst

▪ Imaging tests such as an ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are often used to scan the kidneys and look for cysts.

▪ Kidney function tests. Testing a sample of the blood may reveal whether a kidney cyst is impairing the renal function.

Natural Remedy for Renal Cortical Cyst

If the cyst is causing signs and symptoms, treatment is suggested. Here is an introduction of natural remedy for your reference:

This is a conservative therapy without pumping fluid or relieving pressure. It is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. We use this therapy to expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts thus making the cysts shrink and decrease. It will restrain the proliferation of the epithelial cells, so the secretion of cyst liquid will be reduced. When the internal pressure of the cyst declined, the size of the cyst will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progressing of renal fibrosis. Besides, the cysts are not easy to recur after disappearance, and the symptoms will thoroughly disappear.

Besides, people with renal cortical cyst are suggested to drink more water and do proper exercises. Just avoid strong pressure on the abdomen. On diet, they should avoid spicy foods, greasy foods, junk foods and seafood. Do not drink strong tea or coffee.

If you have any question about renal cortical cyst, please leave a message below or email us at kidneyservice@hotmail.com. Thanks for your time reading!

Tag: Kidney Cyst Diagnosis


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