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What Does It Mean By Echogenic Renal Cortex and Cortical Cyst

What Does It Mean By Echogenic Renal Cortex and Cortical CystEchogenic renal cortex is one important indicator to suggest changes of renal cortex. If the echogenicity of the cortex declines, it may indicate cortical cyst. According to the characteristics of kidney cyst, renal cortical cyst can be divided into two types: simple and complex. In different cases, patients should take different methods.

Before introducing more about cortical cyst, we must emphasize that the echogenicity of renal cortex can’t be the only parameter to diagnose renal cortical cyst. This is because kidney tumor and kidney placeholder may also cause the same change of this test.

Echogenic renal cortex and simple renal cortical cyst

Simple renal cortical cyst is a non-neoplastic mass of unknown etiology developing in renal cortex. Because it is usually filled with clear fluid and its cystic walls are regular, patients can live without any symptom or discomfort if the kidney cyst is smaller than 4 cm. In this case, the only thing patients need to do is to take regular follow up and develop a healthy diet plan and lifestyle.

However, if kidney cyst is too big, it must cause some symptoms such as back pain, hematuria, and urinary tract infection. Then, it is necessary to take some methods that can help shrink renal cortical cyst or even eliminate it. At present, it is not difficult to achieve this goal. If you are looking for an effective and safe method to remove simple kidney cyst, you can contact the doctor online from Kidney Service China. We are glad to provide free help.

Echogenic renal cortex and complex renal cortical cyst

Compared with simple cyst, complex kidney cyst is more dangerous, because it can increase the risk of kidney cancer and renal calcification. Finally, patients may need to do nephrectomy. In this condition, patients should take prompt treatment to prevent the occurrence of these severe health problems. Hopefully, you can regain health sooner with online doctor’s help.

Tag: Kidney Cyst Renal Cortical Cyst Kidney Cyst Diagnosis

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