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How to Improve Kidney Function in Hypertensive Nephropathy

How to Improve Kidney Function in Hypertensive NephropathyHypertensive nephropathy is also called as hypertensive kidney disease. Without appropriate treatment, the high blood pressure will develop into a fetal condition, and a serious of blood system disorder will occur. How to improve kidney function in hypertensive nephropathy is very important.

When nephropathy patients suffer from hypertension, the first and most important thing is to control their blood pressure under the target range. Controlling the daily diet, taking some medications can help them to reduce the high blood pressure, and these treatment also can be used to create a good environment to prevent further damage and the development. However, the medicines, with a long term of using, can cause many side effects, and they can not improve the kidney function, which means that they can not treat the hypertensive nephropathy from the root.

According to the different stage of the kidney disease, different treatment is chosen.

When your blood pressure is high, your kidney function is bad, blood system is weak, the stem cell therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is suggested to treat your condition and improve your health condition.

How stem cell therapy treat high blood pressure and renal disease.

Stem cells can differentiate into inherent kidney cells and renal parenchymal cells. And stem cell transplant shows a significant effect on repairing the damaged kidney functioning cells and improving kidney tissue and kidney function. Compared with other common therapies, stem cells therapy will not cause rejection reaction, and it has a strongly differentiated ability, and don’t cause any toxicity or side effects. Moreover, most kidney disease especially hypertensive nephropathy patients can use this therapy to improve their kidney function and change their condition with doctor’s direction.

If you are interested in the stem cell therapy, E-mail to kidneyservice@hotmail.com for more infomation.

Or consult the online doctor which is free of charge.

Tag: Hypertensive Nephropathy treatment for nephrpopathy improve kidney function

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