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Common Treatments for Hypertensive Nephropathy

Similar to Diabetic Nephropathy, Hypertensive Nephropathy has become a leading cause of renal failure nowadays. So, to prevent this severe consequence from happening, it is essential to take timely treatments. Read on to learn more about the common treatments.

1. Anti-hypertensive drugs In most cases, doctors will suggest patients to take anti-hypertensive drugs(ACE Inhibitors, ARBs, diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, etc) to bring their high blood pressure under control. And the reasonable value can be controlled within 130/80mm Hg or 125/75mm Hg.

2. Physical activities Taking physical exercises regularly can benefit people with hypertensive kidney disease a lot. But remember the movement time should not be too long. Usually, exercises like jogging, walking, swimming, Tai Chi and yoga can be good choices.

3. Diet therapy Except for the above two treatments, dietary changes also play a significant role in maintaining their health. Firstly, and most importantly, they need to limit the salt intake, otherwise, it will be more difficult to control hypertension. And foods like celery, Chinese cabbage, carrot, onion, garlic, hawthorn, potassium, etc can help lower blood pressure and blood lipid. Normally, the salt intake can be 2-3g. In addition, other dietary changes should also be taken into consideration. For instance, low salt, low protein, low fat, low potassium and low phosphorus.

4. Healthy lifestyle A good living habit is very important for hypertensive nephropathy patients. Thereby, they should stay way from tobacco products and alcohol, as these foods will cause damage to the heart, brain and kidney.

To be frank, the aforementioned common treatments can help deal with hypertensive kidney disease to some extent. Besides, a more effective remedy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be your reliable choice. Because it can not only control blood pressure but also restore kidney function from the root. Any questions? Please leave us message kidneyservice@hotmail.com. Then our kidney doctors will reply you as early as possible.

Tag: Hypertensive Nephropathy Hypertensive Nephropathy Treatment

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