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Hypertensive Kidney Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Hypertensive Kidney Disease: Causes and SymptomsHigh blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a leading cause of kidney disease and Kidney Failure (end-stage renal disease). In this text, let's look at the causes and symptoms of hypertension-related kidney disease (Hypertensive Nephropathy).

Causes of Hypertensive Kidney Disease

Elevated blood pressure makes the heart work harder and, over time, can damage blood vessels all over the body. If the blood vessels in the kidneys are impaired, they may stop removing wastes and excessive fluid from the body, resulting in build up of wastes and fluid.

Since hypertension does not cause symptoms for many years, lots of damage is done to the kidney vessels before treatments are started. By then, the renal vessels will be so scarred they will no heal. If the kidneys fail completes, dialysis or a renal transplant have to be adopted.

Symptoms of Hypertensive Kidney Disease

Early kidney disease is a silent problem, like high blood pressure, and does not have any signs. With the deterioration of kidney function, symptoms as below may occur:

• High/worsening blood pressure

• Decrease of urine output or difficulty urination

• Swelling, or edema, especially in the lower legs

• Frequent urination, especially at night

• Foamy urine (excess protein in the urine)

If you have some of the above symptoms, you are suggested to go to see your doctor and done certainly laboratory tests to confirm the conditions of your kidneys. These tests include, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), etc. If kidney disease is caught in the early stages, it is possible to take steps to slow down or even prevent the progression. You can consult our online service or email us at kidneyservice@hotmail.com for specific advice. Good luck!

Tag: Hypertensive Nephropathy Symptoms

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