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Chinese Herbal Medicine for Hypertensive Nephropathy with BP 140/80

Q: I am with a Chronic Kidney Disease, swelling of ankles if seated for more than 1 hour and my BP 140/80, Serum Creatanine3.78 mg/dl from 4.8 mg 4weeks ago. How serious is the problem and may I know herbal remedy or other natural treatments for Hypertensive Nephropathy?

A: Thank you for you inquiry. Glad to share some information about hypertensive Kidney Disease with you. Clinical findings show that patients with HTN for 5yrs would have problems in whole body, especially in those system with rich blood vessels, say eye, heart, brain and kidney as well as nerve system. Why?

This is because high blood pressure can impair the endothelial cells of blood vessels, inflammatory factors could be released and cause thrombosis, blood circulation can meet problems. In this case, those residual cells can become withered.

For your present condition, a comprehensive treatment should be given, not only for your blood pressure, but also renal cells and your internal system. Here, a new developed Chinese Herbal Medicine is suggested here. It is named as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is made from traditional Chinese herbs and they are processed into tiny particles and put in to bag, when patient need take the treatment, they are heated and put on electrode plate. Under a special magnetic field, the active ingredients can penetrate into kidney by special acupoints in kidney, so the medicine can reach the focal lesion effectively and repair it.

Usually, patients can feel obvious improvement after 7-10days treatment, their sleep, appetite, energy can improved a lot, blood pressure can be more stable, their dry skin can become moist and sweat, their urine also change in appearance, smell, quantity. After a strict treatment, creatinine, proteinuria, hematuria, can decline.

This is just a simple and rough answer for there is no enough conditions about your Hypertensive Nephropathy. If you need any follow up, please leave more details about your conditions or just leave a message below.

Tag: Hypertensive Nephropathy Symptoms

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