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Swelling in Lower Limbs for Hypertensive Nephropathy

Swelling in Lower Limbs for Hypertensive NephropathyHypertensive Nephropathy is resulted from long-term hypertension. With its progression, a series of symptoms must appear, and swelling in lower limbs is just one common symptom. If you happen to have this problem, try to make clear the causes and choose effective treatments to manage it.

Causes of swelling in lower limbs for patients with hypertensive kidney disease

The onset of hypertensive nephropathy is usually accompanied by obvious proteinuria. A large amount of protein leakage results in low plasma protein osmotic pressure so that extra fluid will build up in the loose tissues especially the lower limbs and feet. For patients whose kidney disease is caused by hypertension, this is the leading cause.

Besides, the decline of kidney function that causes kidneys to lose their ability to remove extra fluid is another cause. With this symptom, patients often have less urine output and mild azotemia, and legs, feet, chest, abdomen, face, eyelids, hands, ankles, etc, may also be affected by fluid retention.

How to treat swelling for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients?

The following are some general tips and advice to help alleviate swelling. If you want to get some personal advice, you can email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com.

- Control the intake of fluid and sodium: This can alleviate both swelling and high blood pressure.

- Take in high-quality protein: Eat enough foods rich in high-quality protein that is able to increase plasma protein osmotic pressure and reduce the burden on kidneys.

- Eat anti-hypertensive medications: Some medications such as ACEI and ARBs can not only reduce high blood pressure but also inhibit protein from leaking and ease swelling. Choose these medications according to your illness condition.

- Do kidney repairing therapy: For hypertensive nephropathy patients, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one good choice. This is because it can lower high blood pressure through expanding blood vessels and rebuild kidney structure through fixing damaged kidney cells and protecting the remaining kidney functioning tissues.

Tag: Hypertensive Nephropathy Hypertensive Nephropathy Symptoms

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